Course Description
Enjoy a gentle Baby Yoga class at home with ZenMuma founder Jackie Heffer-Cooke.
This is the perfect baby yoga class that you will never tire of. If you are looking for something to do at home with your baby right now, this is it.
Babies enjoy being swung, rocked, stroked, massaged, gently stretched and sung to - this class includes all those things.
Yoga gives them this stimulus they so require and helps expend their energies, making them feel less frustrated, happier, calmer and able to sleep better.
Suitable for all abilities, this online class has been created for you and your baby to enjoy the benefits of baby yoga with a fully qualified and experienced instructor, in the comfort of your own home.
Jackie's baby yoga classes are designed to help you connect with your new baby, embrace the physical and emotional changes of motherhood and provide techniques to develop your baby's physical and mental development.
This class is safe for babies from 6 weeks old.

Jackie Heffer-Cooke
Zen Muma
Course curriculum
Baby Yoga Class
ZenMuma Baby Yoga Class