Course Description
In this audio book, hypnobirthing Practitioner, pregnancy massage and birthing expert Jackie Heffer-Cooke shares with you the tools, techniques and mindset to having a safe, natural and positive birth.
Using a powerful combination of mindfulness, breathing, body posture and relaxation techniques, Jackie will ensure you feel excited, confident and completely capable of having the calm, controlled birth you're hoping for.
This downloadable audio book is the perfect partner to the Birthing Toolkit Online Course.

Jackie Heffer-Cooke
Zen Muma
Jackie Heffer-Cooke started her own personal love affair with yoga and hypnobirthing when she was pregnant with her second baby, Sam.Jackie is an expert in Childbirth Preparation, HypnoBirthing, Pregnancy Massage. Anatomy and physiology for bump, birth and baby, pregnancy yoga, baby yoga and yoga, as well as founder of The Orange Grove Clinic and Baby Centre and YogaBubs Baby Yoga. Through her work Jackie has helped 1000’s of parents through the exhilarating, but sometimes exhausting stages of bump, birth, baby and beyond. Jackie has appeared as a birth expert on Radio Norfolk, in various local and national publications and is a guest writer for Babycentre UK and MummyPages.
Course curriculum
The Birthing Toolkit Audio Book
The Birthing Toolkit Audio Book
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